Games are played under Women's College Basketball 2023-24 Rules with the following modifications: Four (4) each (10) minute quarters, 24-second shot clock.
Four (4) full timeouts for the entire game. If a game goes into overtime both teams will only have 1(one) full-time out. Timeouts do not carry over.
There is no Defensive three seconds.
No foul-out rule! Each player gets up to 6 fouls. Every foul after 6 from that player, the opposing team gets (2) penalty free-throw shots.
(2)Two penalty free-throw shots on the team’s fifth foul of the quarter.
All time-outs are (full), after calling a timeout before advancing the ball on a throw-in or rebound, a team may advance the ball to their frontcourt.
Unsportsmanlike violations are one-shot technical fouls.
In the fourth quarter, the game clock will stop on every made basket in the last two minutes. The game clock will not start until the ball is touched on an inbound pass.
The game will start with any 4 players that are on a team roster.
sudden death:
Sudden death, the first team to score three (3) points wins.
One (1) full-time out for each team. Time-outs do not carry over.
Team fouls and penalties will carry over from the fourth quarter.
No game clock. Only the 24-second clock will run.
There will be 1 Team Captain assigned to each team. This Team Captain will play the role of General Manager off the court. Team captains will select up to 8 players to fill their roster during the player draft. A minimum of five and 8 players maximum are allowed per team. If a player is released, the team has until their 3rd scheduled game starts to replace the player and approve it by the league administrator. Teams will not participate until the roster criteria have been met and approved by the league administrator.
All players must have paid their due fees before the showcase (May 19). Each player must register via the league website, www.theorlandoboom.com, to ensure all eligibilities have been met prior to competition. Each player must participate in at least three games to be eligible for a playoff competition. Also, players may not play on more than one team.
Note: Game schedules will not be changed to accommodate players’ schedules.
Jersey’s tops will be provided by the league, provided that all fees have been met by the player. Therefore, only league jersey tops may be worn during the game to help distinguish teams. Each team will be responsible for providing team shorts. The following is a summary of the violations that may be accessed to a team violation of these terms: 1) Two technical shot will be given to the opposing team per uniform violation. 2) Written or tapped numbers will not be allowed and are not considered to be part of the uniform and are subject to penalty.
(4) Ten-minute quarters will be played per competition. Included is a ten-minute halftime intermission per contest. The last two (2) minutes of the second half will only have clock stoppage for a deadball situation. This only applies to teams that are within ten (10) points of each other. The blowout rule is forbidden. Each team will continue to play until the final buzzer has sounded. The clock will only stop for a called timeout by the official for a team, injury, or official’s timeout.
Each team will be given four (4) full one-minute timeouts per game. These may be used at any time during the duration of the game. Timeouts may only be used by players on the floor or bench. Ejected players may not call a timeout under any circumstances. No penalty will be accessed for timeouts called if none are available. Timeouts cannot be carried over to overtime periods.
See the Sudden Death rule.
Section A.
Substitutions must be made at the scorekeeper’s table. Only the official will allow the player entrance into the game.
Penalty: Two (2) technical foul shots awarded to the opposing team, if the rule is broken by the fractioning team.
Section B.
Playoffs – Only players who have played 50% of the season or have been granted clearance to participate will be eligible for the Playoffs. No exceptions!
The team has eight (8) seconds to advance the ball past half-court. Violation of the eight (8) second rule will result in a forfeit of the basketball, following the referee's standing count.
The shot clock is currently used and set to 24 seconds with a reset to 14 seconds.
If a shot clock is not present, there will be a 5-second closely guarded count on held balls. This 5-second closely guarded count will only occur on held balls with a defender within 6ft of the ball handler. This shall NOT apply on a player dribbling the ball.
Play will resume upon the shooter’s release of the basketball. Any lane violation prior to the ball’s destination will result in a lane violation. A lane violation will be accessed to the player and the result is the official's call.
Section A.
Technical fouls accessed to players will result in two (2) free throws plus ball possession to the opposing team. UNSPORTSMANLIKE BEHAVIOR IS INTOLERABLE AND AN AUTOMATIC EJECTION IS WARRANTED.
Penalty: Any player having two (2) technical in a game will be disqualified from the competition. All season the technical fouls will be calculated.
Note: Play will stop and a loss by forfeit given to any team receiving five (5) technical fouls in a given game.
Section B.
Type 1 – Regular violation
Type 2 - Unsportsmanlike conduct [aggressive taunts, arguing]
Note: Players that amass three (5) type two penalties will be suspended one game, they will have to pay a league fine of $50 prior to the next scheduled contest or become disqualified
Championship Game
Top 2 Seeds will play one game on August 4
The winner will receive the "Pot Prize Money" in cash of $2,000.
Section A. Players must play in fifty percent (50%) of your team's games for the season. Also if a player has not fulfilled their reinstatement fine prior to the start of the championship, they will not be eligible to compete.
Note: No grievance will be given prior under no circumstance if the reinstatement fines are incomplete.
Section A. If identical records are held by two teams, the following format will calculate the tiebreaker:
Any forfeit automatically eliminates a team
The team with the highest point output per game
The team with the fewest points allowed per game
Note: Forfeited games won by a team are excluded, and only the averages from the above format will be used.
A game must consist of at least four (4) players per team to be considered a contest. Therefore, if the minimum amounts of players on the registered team are unavailable, a forfeit will be instituted to the team with insufficient players. Also, the scorekeeper has the right to issue the NO GRACE PERIOD, if teams are unresponsive.
Note: Each team forfeits will earn a fine of $150 which must be paid before the next scheduled game.
Note: Forfeited games will not be accounted for in the scorebooks nor officiated. This time will be allocated to the registered players as practice time until the next scheduled game.
Section A.
A player ejected from a game WILL PAY a fine of $50 to the league, before the next scheduled game following multiple violations.
Note: Players ejected twice in one season will have a 2 game suspension from the league without league fees refunded.
Note: Any player intentionally striking, attempting to strike, or in any way causing bodily harm to other players, spectators, officials, or gym supervisors, shall be suspended for a minimum of one year.
Section B.
Spectators within the gym premises will be subject to ejection from the facility. Boom Director of Security will decide on their future availability.
A Captain, declaring a protest must do so at the time the incident occurs and notify the scorekeeper. The scorekeeper will make a note of the protest on the scorecard that a protest form will be submitted to the league officials. The captain will include a brief description of the situation on the scorecard and submit it to the league official office. The league office will review the protest form by the next business day or the next scheduled game. The league office will notify the individual(s) of the results and all decisions are final. No alternate form or petition will be allowed to void or nullify the protest's final decision.
Note: Judgment calls made by an official cannot be protested.
Note: If a protest is presented at the end of any playoff game, the league office will review the documentation before the next game.
Note: Protests are not retroactive and can only be applied to the situation in question. A protest form must be submitted for each declaration announced.
All teams will receive a five (5) minute grace period after their scheduled contest. Teams/Players that arrive after this time, the presiding referee will decide on the contest. See the Forfeit section for additional details. The scorers' table will have the ultimate decision.
Each team member is responsible for the conduct of their players, spectators, and/or visitors before, during, and after all scheduled games. Also, the team representatives are responsible for keeping their bench areas clean before, during, and after all games. When games are finished each team member is to leave the bench in an orderly manner. The conduct of each team member, player, and visitor displays is a representation of Orlano Boom PRO-AM and we are to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for all those involved. Therefore, every effort will be made to ensure everyone understands their responsibility as a member at Orlando Boom PRO-AM.